
This blog is just to record my experience of writing a story. That is something I have wanted to do all my life. I guess it is now or never.

I am just doing it for fun. I do not really intend to publish it. Mind you, I shall give that a try if I ever get it finished :).

The blog is only intended for me to keep a diary of my thoughts and for some of my close friends, especially those at the Richmond Writers' Circle (bless them for their patience).

If you have found your way here by accident, comments are welcome - especially the kind ones.

If you are, like me, attempting to write your first novel, please share the ups and downs.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Word count again

Only 350 words today but actually progressing to next Wed quite well. I find myself in a heavy exposition phase, which is a bit daunting because it means having to face up to my continuity and plot problems.. But at least it provides the relatively quiet period that the RWC circle say that the frenetic pace of the story needs.
I think Significant Other is going to Oxford a for a day at the beginning of next week so I should be able to reach Wednesday with a couple of thousand words under m y belt

Friday 31 January 2014

500 odd words

550 words today. none yesterday. Not a lot really but I'm on course for having a scene to read next Wednesday at the RWC. The people there have said (rightly) that the story moves at a frenetic pace. Well now I have to slow things down and get into some exposition. So far it is going okay and I do know what to write next.

Thursday 30 January 2014

The end of Part 1 (At last!)

Despite not having been too diligent with this blog I have pressed on to the end of Chapter 10. So now most of my cast are bobbing up and down in the Thames, having escaped unimaginable horrors. Phew!
I think I'm about 70,000 words in to a first draft and two thirds of the way through the book. That might mean it will be too long to please publishers as I think I shall be adding more words in the second draft when I shall be trying to figure out my many plot problems and discontinuities, Not long ago, I left a character out of a scene I had placed her in in the previous one. But I am pressing on.

I have mixed views of the Richmond Writers Circle in this regard. On one hand at least I have to get a scene (usually 1250 20 2250 words done every week, But on the other they can't be too unfinished if I'm going to inflict them on my colleagues.This means that I can;t push on just scribbling away to get the fist draft done as I might otherwise. On balance I think this way is the best and I shall just have to be patient. I am still aiming for a complete first draft by the end of June.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Chapter 10 Scene 3

Tonight I'm at 701 words. not a huge advance you may think but ideas are beginning to bubble into my mind. Y may be going to Brighton tomorrow, So I really should be able to finish this scene then - or at the least have enough for 1500 words at the RWC next week.Then I may be able to get ahead for a bit.

Thursday 9 January 2014

not (quite) falling behind yet

Well, I started the year by at least doing 1500 words to read at the RWC, perhaps not great words but no worse than usual. So I'm working my way through Chapter 10 which I mean to be a kind of first half finale. Also I sort of know the next bit and have written 380 words so, if I keep that up, I'm at least on course to do my minimum 1300 words for next week. Ideally, of course, I want to get ahead a bit. It's a bit humbling that I've been working on the story for 2 years now and am only about 2/3 of the way through the first draft.
I am trying to focus on the constraint of whatever it is that prevents me from moving on. Right now it is this: I have to introduce Ludens into this scene and it will be to remove the threat of Kali. All I have to think of is an interesting way for it to happen. As a thought generator I threw the picture dice and came up with a key and lightning.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Day 5 - falling behind

Well here I am on Day 5 of the year.I am 493 words into the third Scene of Chapter 10. Chapter 10 is meant to be my big Act 1 finale. There should be about 5 more scenes in it. After than I plan 6 or 7 more chapters. I am about 2/3 of the way through I think. But this might be too long for what publishers want and I don't really know if the rewrites will make it longer or shorter. I do know that this calendar year I really need to finish the first draft and the first rewrite. I think that means getting through the first draft by the end of June at least. Right now though, I am already behind and the best I can do is to work on something that is okay to read on Wednesday. Also I know I have to get some of the dreary admin done that I constantly procrastinate over. But if I don't I will get into big trouble and then my mind will lose whatever creativity it has. So I need a thousand words and it is Sunday night. Really how hard can it be!!!!!

A new year

2014. Right. Well I'm ever going to get my story finished I had certainly better get something done in the next 12 months. All my resolutions will be towards doing this. I had better get my first draft finished and get through the 1st rewrite. That's the one that is supposed to get the plot right.
I think that I'm about 70 thousand words in with about another 30 to write. A the moment I struggle to do 1000 a week. Actually only the RWC keeps me on track for that.
If there is one single thing holding me back it's simply not writing enough. Yes, it IS a bit galling that Y is right about me wasting time online.
I am going to have to manufacture time. How much though, I wonder.